Gagging on Conservative Big Lies
One of our major problems as Progressives is that the language and rhetorical constructs for communicating Progressive policy and philosophy do not exist.
The only cogent arguments out thee for the roots of our problems are a biased media, big government, oppressive taxes and lack of personal responsibility.
There is no counter narrative where these vital institutions are a benefit to society, largely because Democrats have been working so hard to not lose any votes by chasing the Conservative Big Lies:Freetrade Cheap Labor, Small Government Gutting Social Investment, Tax Relief (for the rich) and Personal Responsibility Every Man For Himself.
Keep in mind that those institutions that stand opposed to the Conservative Big Lie, are what Democrats are asking people to vote for. They are the enemy; the cause of our problems.
If Republicans and Democrats are in agreement that regulation, government, and community and shared responsibility are bad things that should be at least limited, then why bother pushing or using them at all?
Most Democrats have bought into the Conservative Big Lies to a large degree, and that purchase has been priceless.
This is the reason some of us Kossacks are Green. We have not been able to sacrifice my conscience and participate in a party that continues to exacerbate the problem. Some Progressives have preferred to stay within the party to try and shape policy.
This upsets many Democrats, as they believe that former Democrats who are now Greens should be working from within the party to foster change; that leaving the party has made it weaker and that those fighting for change from within should stop making the party weaker and just shut up so we can 'win'.
Until we realize that many Democrats have swallowed the Conservative Big Lies and those lies have become lodged somewhere between our gut (values) and our Mouth (rhetoric) and have grown, like a cancer, so that mouth and gut cannot be in the same room together, we are doomed.
These Conservative Big lies that have created the cognitive dissonance that is the Democratic Party Message, or lack there of, are being challenged, and have been challenged for some time. It's just that the party leadership and much of the active rank and file have been killing those challenges for thirty years.MICHAEL MOORE!, LIBERAL! SOCIALIST! ELECTABILITY! WIN! These are the arguments and words used to emasculate our party.
These are the arguments and words used to push me and people like us Greens out of the party. These are the arguments used by the media elite and power brokers to make the American people take their distorted vision to reality. These are the arguments that prop up the Conservative Big Lies and kill the Democratic Party.
Please, fellow Progressives and Liberals, challenge these Conservative Big Lies! They are naked, and are the first challenges we must overcome in order to restore America to something that resembles what we remember her to be.
Don't be afraid that we won't be taken seriously.
The only people we won't be taken seriously by are our political opponents.
These Big Lies are history.
It's all over the news, but more importantly it is on the mind's of Americans. It is the cognitive dissonance between Failed Conservative Policies and those shiny Big Lies that is really on display today. That is what's on the mind and on the lips at kitchen tables all across America.
Unfortunately, there are few people of consequence challenging the Conservative Big Lies; there are some now, but, still, none that speak to many. None that are 'respectable'.
Thankfully the ranks of Greens and Progressive Democrats who have spat up the Kool-Aid are growing, our ability to speak and to convince are growing stronger but we are still too small and far to 'un-electable' to push a serious message that taps into that latent gagging on the Conservative Big Lies and Failed Conservative Policies and gives people an alternative to voting to make it worse.
Please join us and help us to deliver not only a Democratic win in the near future, but a win for humanity. We really don't have much time.
Look long and hard at the places where Conservative ideology and Democratic rhetoric and vision overlap. Once you see it, it's naked.
If you can see it, you can start to point it out to others.
Once that happens, it'll be like magic.
We will have a message again.
Our new responses to the unpalatable big lies:
Freetrade Cheap Labor:
* America is a Fair Wage Society.
* Rules and Regulations are natural and necessary.
* Bigger, more powerful and larger impacts mean more regulation.
The only cogent arguments out thee for the roots of our problems are a biased media, big government, oppressive taxes and lack of personal responsibility.
There is no counter narrative where these vital institutions are a benefit to society, largely because Democrats have been working so hard to not lose any votes by chasing the Conservative Big Lies:
Keep in mind that those institutions that stand opposed to the Conservative Big Lie, are what Democrats are asking people to vote for. They are the enemy; the cause of our problems.
If Republicans and Democrats are in agreement that regulation, government, and community and shared responsibility are bad things that should be at least limited, then why bother pushing or using them at all?
Most Democrats have bought into the Conservative Big Lies to a large degree, and that purchase has been priceless.
This is the reason some of us Kossacks are Green. We have not been able to sacrifice my conscience and participate in a party that continues to exacerbate the problem. Some Progressives have preferred to stay within the party to try and shape policy.
This upsets many Democrats, as they believe that former Democrats who are now Greens should be working from within the party to foster change; that leaving the party has made it weaker and that those fighting for change from within should stop making the party weaker and just shut up so we can 'win'.
Until we realize that many Democrats have swallowed the Conservative Big Lies and those lies have become lodged somewhere between our gut (values) and our Mouth (rhetoric) and have grown, like a cancer, so that mouth and gut cannot be in the same room together, we are doomed.
These Conservative Big lies that have created the cognitive dissonance that is the Democratic Party Message, or lack there of, are being challenged, and have been challenged for some time. It's just that the party leadership and much of the active rank and file have been killing those challenges for thirty years.MICHAEL MOORE!, LIBERAL! SOCIALIST! ELECTABILITY! WIN! These are the arguments and words used to emasculate our party.
These are the arguments and words used to push me and people like us Greens out of the party. These are the arguments used by the media elite and power brokers to make the American people take their distorted vision to reality. These are the arguments that prop up the Conservative Big Lies and kill the Democratic Party.
Please, fellow Progressives and Liberals, challenge these Conservative Big Lies! They are naked, and are the first challenges we must overcome in order to restore America to something that resembles what we remember her to be.
Don't be afraid that we won't be taken seriously.
The only people we won't be taken seriously by are our political opponents.
These Big Lies are history.
It's all over the news, but more importantly it is on the mind's of Americans. It is the cognitive dissonance between Failed Conservative Policies and those shiny Big Lies that is really on display today. That is what's on the mind and on the lips at kitchen tables all across America.
Unfortunately, there are few people of consequence challenging the Conservative Big Lies; there are some now, but, still, none that speak to many. None that are 'respectable'.
Thankfully the ranks of Greens and Progressive Democrats who have spat up the Kool-Aid are growing, our ability to speak and to convince are growing stronger but we are still too small and far to 'un-electable' to push a serious message that taps into that latent gagging on the Conservative Big Lies and Failed Conservative Policies and gives people an alternative to voting to make it worse.
Please join us and help us to deliver not only a Democratic win in the near future, but a win for humanity. We really don't have much time.
Look long and hard at the places where Conservative ideology and Democratic rhetoric and vision overlap. Once you see it, it's naked.
If you can see it, you can start to point it out to others.
Once that happens, it'll be like magic.
We will have a message again.
Our new responses to the unpalatable big lies:
* America is a Fair Wage Society.
* Rules and Regulations are natural and necessary.
* Bigger, more powerful and larger impacts mean more regulation.
Tax Relief (for the rich):
* Taxes are Dues.
* Taxes are an investment in America.
* Tax those with the most: highest
* Tax those with the least: lowestSmall Government Gutting Social Investment
* We are strongest when we pool our resources.
* America is more than profit.
* A good government protects and serves its people, not its profit.Personal Responsibility Every Man For Himself:
* There is strength in numbers.
* Responsiblity and accountability for all.
* United we stand, divided we fall.
* In America, nobody stands alone.
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